Monday, November 15, 2010

VirtualTinyHouseConference #3

There's another Tiny House Conference being hosted online to allow individuals interested in sharing ideas and gathering to find answers to issues and problems.  The conference is being hosted at Towards a Better Tiny House by 

This newest conference is titled VirtualTinyHouseCon #3 and is scheduled for Nov. 20 8 to 9 Pm Eastern Time.  You will need to sign in to participate but there is no software to download and it is pretty quick and painless.

I confess that I missed that last two meetings, the first because I was experiencing a personal emergency and the second because I was experiencing a personal breakdown of poor memory.  I shot my first deer that morning and spend the day on an adrenaline rush.  Poor excuse for poor performance, but it's the truth.  Anyway, I'm planning to hit this one and I hope to see you there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I hope other people come too. It sort of needs to snowball. Certainly the community of people interested in tinyhouses is big enough.