Monday, November 15, 2010

Green stuff

No, I don't mean money, which is what I think about when ever I think of green stuff, 'cause, you know we all want more of the green stuff, money that is, to help assuage our financial burdens.

However, this is not about money, but rather about simple ways to act in a more responsibly green manner without impinging our wallet even more.  I sometimes read some of the posting about going green and advice that you find can actually cost you money instead of saving money and stuff.  So, when I was reading my morning news this morning and my "Life Goes Strong" newsletter included this article about simple ways to be more green, I felt compelled to pass this along.
After all, simple is good, at least for me, and I love simplifying anything that I can.  Anyway, this article includes simple advice like washing you laundry using cold water when ever you can because it will reduce your utility bill, in my case-electricity, by using less to heat water for washing in hot.  Another good idea to become more green is to opt out of bank statements and bank online as much as possible. Shoot, I haven't used a bank statement in years and it seems silly to get those paper copies to simply file them when the bank usually can provide it to me if I ever need the paper copy, which I don't.  So, read about some more good ideas here and see if'n you can't be more green.

Hey, thanks for stopping by.  I hope you had a great weekend like I did (more on that later when I get the pictures processed).  Let's get out there and make it a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the article, I know we can take advantage of some of these great ideas!