Thursday, November 11, 2010

American Spirit

Kent Griswold has a very charming article posted on his blog site at Tiny House Blog from Walt Barrett.  Walt has written about his parents and their Tiny House.  This is an exceptional post that includes a You Tube video produced by Walt that includes a tour of his parents home; the house he grew up in as well as narrative about the construction of that Tiny House.

Walt has shared some very interesting and personal information about his parents that I believe personifies the American spirit of independence and fortitude.  Their strength and conviction have obviously been conveyed to their family and is displayed in Walt's presentation and intentions to support and help others.  I'd encourage you to visit Kent's blog and watch Walt's video.  I found it personally inspiring.

On this holiday, Veteran's Day, let's remember that it is this type of "stick-to-it" attitude that made our country great.  Walt's dad, like so many veterans, never accepted defeat and individuals like him continue to volunteer in service to our country.  I would like to say Thank You to each and every one of them for the gift of freedom that they have provided.  If you see a veteran, today or any other day, remember the debt that they have paid for each one of us.  You may not agree with the conflict in which they served, but the sacrifice they made in service, stands as a testament to the American Spirit.

Thanks for stopping by.  Let's get out there and make it a great day!

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