I'm not much into New Year's resolutions because, as most people will agree, most people fail miserably at keeping any resolution. The general idea is to change a habit or behavior but that is a real problem for most people including me. I'll admit to having as much trouble as most people keeping any resolution or goal. It is generally agreed that most resolutions have faded into a dim recollection by about March, IF they make it that long. Here are the top ten suggestions for how to stick to your resolution or you might check out Yahoo's suggestions for success.
I have resolved to undertake a better diet. By that, I mean to eat better foods. Much of my reasoning has been stated here already because I have chosen to support the Marksbury Farm Market and attempt to adhere to the Cave Man Diet, a.k.a. The Paleolithic Diet. The premise is to consume fewer chemicals and highly processed foods thereby purging your system of all of those extra toxins that are included in our food chain to achieve a cleaner healthier body. Of course I'm also looking to drop about 20 pounds in the process using an Android App on my phone that will allow and encourage accountability. You are welcome to join me in my quest for a leaner healthier lifestyle. The makers of Calorie Counter, Fat Secret produce the app that I'm using, encourage sharing of information to create a support group. That app is free, and that I love free stuff, and takes a little practice to get good at using it but it works pretty good and the data base of information is pretty impressive. Jump on the band wagon if'n you want to share and support each other.
How does this fit into the Tiny House Blog you ask? Well, I guess it doesn't fit very well, except that maybe you could classify it as a part of sustainability because if I can sustain this resolution and diet plan, I will manage to sustain a longer healthier life. And THAT has got to be a good thing. HA!
Hey, thanks for stopping by. Let's get out there and make it a great day!
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