I have considered possibly changing my design plan for a smaller structure that would require less materials and enable me to complete construction sooner but I feel like 120 square feet in a Tiny House will constitute a system shock and reducing the size may cause system arrest. That'd be bad. I believe that reading Francine's blog posts from Miss Minimalist is having more than a little affect on my thinking as I will need to guard against over-reacting. I'm known for do that so I'd best proceed with care. However, Francine's story from her blog are quite interesting in a Tiny House kind of way. Except that Francine is a freak about large spaces and not small. Hey, to each their own. I can appreciate the allure to which she falls victim with regard to large expansive open air warehouse type spaces. I too have felt similar passion for over sized space and objects.

In any case, my budget like Miss Minimalist's, is quite small and I feel safe in saying that it is unlikely that I would change my plans from a Tiny House to a warehouse. Since, I can't get one for myself any sooner that she can. Anyway, it's fun to dream in all sizes and shapes of obsessions.
That's about it for today. I know it's not much, but I blame my supplier for the lack of building material from which I could produce more to write about. It's their fault, not mine. Of course, I like the simplicity of that solution. Thanks for stopping by.
Let's get out there, and make it a great day!
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